Friday, March 27, 2009

A bug on the wind screen...

At times the urge to say something about the world around you hits you like a sledgehammer in the solar plexus. At a time like that, in a fit of enthusiasm fueled by a lot of coffee and an uncle,I created this blog...and then realised..maybe I didn't have that marvellous urge to say that something anymore.

It amuses me now, the amount of time I spent agonising over the perfect format for my blog... "white? black? polka dots?" and then after creating it, and uploading a picture and then sighing a satisfied sigh, sat back and smiled a smug smile, then finally closed the tab and promptly forgot about it. Only to remember it four months later, when the urge to say something re-emerged.

Except I still didn't know what to say.

And here I am, telling you the story of how this blog was born...and rather guiltily passing this off as an excuse for the first blog. Hopefully bits of news that spark my interest will flash across my windscreen soon enough, and at a near future in order to create a bug shaped splat on the blog...

Until then..I'm going to be tending to my sore solar plexus...